Treatment of Periodontitist
Diagnosis With IntraOral Camera Screening
Facial Bone Fracture Treatment
Conventional Renewable Complete Denture
ORAL CANCER SCREENING Surgical Intervention
Maxillofacial trauma maxillofacial pathology
Corrective jaw surgery/Orthognathic surgery
Aesthetic (cosmetic) Dentistry
Fractures of jaws and facial bones
Oral Implantologist And Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist
Orthodontic Treatments Including Invisalign
Digital Dental Implantology
Treatment of TMJ problems
Full mouth rehabilitation
Sleep Apnea treatment (snoring)
Dental and maxillofacial implants
Dental Crowns and Bridges
Cysts and tumors of the jaw
Treatment Of Periodontitis
Surgical correction of facial aesthetics